Search Results for: FIRMA

capiendo securitatem pro duplicatione feudifirmae

capiendo securitatem pro duplicatione feudifirmae (kap-ee-en-doh si-kyuur-[ schwa]-tay-t[schwa]m proh d[y]oo-pli-kay-shee-oh-nee fyoo-di-f[schwa]r-mee). [Law Latin “by taking caution for the payment of a double of the feu-duty”] Hist. In a precept for entry of an heir, a clause that cautions against taking a double feu payment when the investiture did not expressly provide for it.

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noctem de firma

noctem de firma (nok-t[schwa]m dee f[schwa]r-m[schwa]), n. [Law Latin “night of duty (payable)”] Hist. The duty or custom of providing entertainment or provisions for a night. • At the time of the Norman Conquest, this was the duty or custom of entertaining the king for one night. — Also termed noctes; firma noctis.

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de ejectione firmae

de ejectione firmae (dee ee-jek-shee-oh-nee f[schwa]r-mee). [Latin “ejectment of farm”] Hist. A writ or action of trespass to obtain the return of lands or tenements to a lessee for a term of years that had been ousted by the lessor or by a reversioner, remainderman, or stranger. • The lessee was then entitled to a

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