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disorderly house

disorderly house. 1. A dwelling where people carry on activities that are a nuisance to the neighborhood. [Cases: Disorderly House 1. C.J.S. Disorderly Houses § 2.] 2. A dwelling where people conduct criminal or immoral activities. • Examples are brothels and drug houses. — Also termed (more narrowly) bawdy house; house of prostitution; house of

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election fraud

election fraud. Illegal conduct committed in an election, usu. in the form of fraudulent voting. • Examples include voting twice, voting under another person’s name (usu. a deceased person), and voting while ineligible. [Cases: Elections 318. C.J.S. Elections § 331.]

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national, adj. 1. Of or relating to a nation (national anthem). 2. Nationwide in scope (national emergency). national, n. 1. A member of a nation. 2. A person owing permanent allegiance to and under the protection of a state. 8 USCA § 1101(a)(21). national of the United States. A citizen of the United States or

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suit for exoneration

suit for exoneration. A suit in equity brought by a surety to compel the debtor to pay the creditor. • If the debtor has acted fraudulently and is insolvent, a suit for exoneration may include further remedies to ensure that the debtor’s assets are applied equitably to the debtor’s outstanding obligations. — Also termed suit

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national defense

national defense. 1. All measures taken by a nation to protect itself against its enemies. • A nation’s protection of its collective ideals and values is included in the concept of national defense. [Cases: War and National Emergency 48. C.J.S. War and National Defense § 66.] 2. A nation’s military establishment.

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department of education

Department of Education. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for administering and coordinating most federal programs of assistance to education. • Headed by the Secretary of Education, the Department includes the Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs (OBEMLA), the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), the Office of Elementary and

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open space

open space. Undeveloped (or mostly undeveloped) urban or suburban land that is set aside and permanently restricted to agricultural, recreational, or conservational uses. • The land may be publicly or privately owned. Access may be restricted or unrestricted. Open spaces are not necessarily in a natural state: the term includes land used for public parks,

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