place of businessglossary / place of business, 营业地 place of business营业地 指连续或定期从事经营活动或工作的地点。 (→domicile) 词条贡献者 法律翻译Cathy,在一家英国银圈所担任专职法律翻译,擅长翻译有关城市基础设施领域的法律文件。
place of business place of business A location at which one carries on a business. Cf. DOMICILE (2). [Cases: Corporations 52. C.J.S. Corporations §§ 107–109, 886.]
place of business place of business place of business. A location at which one carries on a business. Cf. DOMICILE (2). [Cases: Corporations 52. C.J.S. Corporations…