power of sale clauseglossary / POWER-OF-SALE CLAUSE power-of-sale clause. A provision in a mortgage or deed of trust permitting the mortgagee or trustee to sell the property without court authority if the payments are not made. [Cases: Mortgages 21. C.J.S. Mortgages § 4.] 词条贡献者 双语律师Jerry,毕业于一所培养最顶级翻译人才的语言学院,擅长翻译各类与欧洲隐私及安全法相关的法律文件。
power(-)of(-)sale clause POWER-OF-SALE CLAUSE, 出卖权条款 power(-)of(-)sale clause 出卖权条款 1抵押合同或信托契据中的一项条款,允许抵押权人或受托人在未受偿付时自行出卖抵押物,而无需诉诸法院;2授权受托人依信托设立人意愿出售信托财产、将所得收益再投资或作其他处分的信托条款。 (→power of sale)