propertyratione privilegii

property ratione privilegii (ray-shee-oh-nee priv-i-lee-jee-I). Hist. A common-law right, granted by a royal franchise, to take wild animals on another’s land. • This principle made its way into American law. See, e.g., Hanson v. Fergus Falls Nat’l Bank, 65 N.W.2d 857, 862 (Minn. 1954). Cf. PROPERTY RATIONE SOLI .

“Property Ratione privilegii is the right which, by a peculiar franchise anciently granted by the Crown in virtue of its prerogative, one man had of killing and taking animals Ferae naturae on the land of another; and in like manner the game, when killed or taken by virtue of the privilege, became the absolute property of the owner of the franchise, just as in the other case it becomes the absolute property of the owner of the soil.” Blades v. Higgs, 11 Eng. Rep. 1474, 1479 (H.L. 1865).

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