

1. The expression of an exaggerated opinion — as opposed to a factual misrepresentation — with the intent to sell a good or service. • Puffing involves expressing opinions, not asserting something as a fact. Although there is some leeway in puffing goods, a seller may not misrepresent them or say that they have attributes that they do not possess.

— Also termed puffery; sales puffery; dealer’s talk. [Cases: Contracts 94(7); Sales 38(3), 261(5). C.J.S. Contracts §§ 156, 162; Sales § 55.]

“ ‘Dealer’s puffing,’ so long as it remains in the realm of opinion or belief, will not support a conviction of false pretenses however extravagant the statements.” Rollin M. Perkins & Ronald N. Boyce, Criminal Law 369 (3d ed. 1982).

2. Secret bidding at an auction by or on behalf of a seller; BY-BIDDING.

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