
receipt, n.

1. The act of receiving something (my receipt of the document was delayed by two days).

2. A written acknowledgment that something has been received (keep the receipt for the gift).

accountable receipt. A receipt in which a person admits that goods or money were delivered to the person and that the person is obliged to deliver all or part of the goods or money to a third person.

interim receipt. The written acknowledgment of a premium paid on an insurance policy that is pending final approval. [Cases: Insurance 1746. C.J.S. Insurance §§ 266–271.]

warehouse receipt. See WAREHOUSE RECEIPT.

3. (usu. pl.) Something received; INCOME (post the daily receipts in the ledger).

receipt, vb.

1. To acknowledge in writing the receipt of (something, esp. money) (the bill must be receipted).

2. To give a receipt for (something, esp. money) (the bookkeeper receipted the payments).

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