
relegatio (rel-[schwa]-gay-shee-oh), n. [fr. Latin relegare “to send away”] Roman law. Temporary or permanent banishment of a condemned criminal from Rome and the criminal’s native province, without loss of citizenship or forfeiture of all the criminal’s property. Cf. DEPORTATIO.

“Relegatio. The expulsion of a citizen ordered either by an administrative act of a magistrate or by judgment in a criminal trial. In the latter case the relegatio was sometimes combined with additional punishments, such as confiscation of the whole or of a part of the property of the condemned person, loss of Roman citizenship, confinement in a certain place. A milder form of relegatio was the exclusion of the wrongdoer from residence in a specified territory. Illicit return was punished with the death penalty.” Adolf Berger, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law 673 (1953).

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