
retroactive, adj. (Of a statute, ruling, etc.) extending in scope or effect to matters that have occurred in the past.

— Also termed retrospective. Cf. PROSPECTIVE(1). [Cases: Administrative Law and Procedure 419; Courts 100(1); Statutes 261–278. C.J.S. Courts §§ 147–148; Public Administrative Law and Procedure §§ 89, 98; Statutes §§ 407–431.] — retroactivity, n.

“ ‘Retroactivity’ is a term often used by lawyers but rarely defined. On analysis it soon becomes apparent, moreover, that it is used to cover at least two distinct concepts. The first, which may be called ‘true retroactivity,’ consists in the application of a new rule of law to an act or transaction which was completed before the rule was promulgated. The second concept, which will be referred to as ‘quasi-retroactivity,’ occurs when a new rule of law is applied to an act or transaction in the process of completion…. [T]he foundation of these concepts is the distinction between completed and pending transactions ….” T.C. Hartley, The Foundations of European Community Law 129 (1981).

专业法律词汇 词条贡献者
双语律师Jenna,国际知名法学院环境法专业,擅长翻译各类与环境、社会及管治 (ESG)相关的法律文件。
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