right of publicityglossary / right of publicity, 公开权 right of publicity公开权 指个人,尤其是公众人物或知名人士,对自己的姓名、肖像及其他类似物的商业性利用行为实施控制或制止他人不公平盗用的权利。 词条贡献者 译者Kelly,美国顶尖商学院国际经济法专业,擅长翻译各种与投资基金与基金顾问诉讼相关的法律文件。
right of publicity right of publicity The right to control the use of one’s own name, picture, or likeness and to prevent another from using it…
right of publicity right of publicity right of publicity. The right to control the use of one’s own name, picture, or likeness and to prevent another…