rule 11

Rule 11. Civil procedure.

1. In federal practice, the procedural rule requiring the attorney of record or the party (if not represented by an attorney) to sign all pleadings, motions, and other papers filed with the court and — by this signing — to represent that the paper is filed in good faith after an inquiry that is reasonable under the circumstances. • This rule provides for the imposition of sanctions, upon a party’s or the court’s own motion, if an attorney or party violates the conditions stated in the rule. Fed. R. Civ. P. 11. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 2750–2831.]

2. In Texas practice, the procedural rule requiring agreements between attorneys or parties concerning a pending suit to be in writing, signed, and filed in the court’s record or made on the record in open court. Tex. R. Civ. P. 11. [Cases: Compromise and Settlement 5; Judgment 72. C.J.S. Compromise and Settlement § 19; Judgments §§ 183–184.]

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