scope note

scope note. In a digest, a précis appearing after a title and showing concisely what subject matter is included and what is excluded.

“In the Century and Decennial Digests, though not in the various digests of the Key-Number Series, there is printed immediately following each topic title a couple of paragraphs which are called the Scope-Note. The first paragraph of this scope-note shows very briefly the character of the subject-matter included under the title. The second paragraph shows the ‘Exclusions’ — i.e., what related matter has been excluded in order to conform to the plan of the Digest — and directs the reader to the proper title under which such related matter may be found. Consequently a little study of the scope-note will ofttimes repay the searcher for a few moments’ time consumed in so doing.” William M. Lile et al., Brief Making and the Use of Law Books 116 (3d ed. 1914).

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