
sequester (si-kwes-t[schwa]r), n.

1. An across-the-board cut in government spending. [Cases: States 121. C.J.S. States §§ 203, 223.]

2. A person with whom litigants deposit property being contested until the case has concluded; a sequestrator.

sequester, vb.

1. To seize (property) by a writ of sequestration. [Cases: Sequestration 15. C.J.S. Sequestration §§ 15–30.]

2. To segregate or isolate (a jury or witness) during trial.

3. Eccles. law. To excommunicate. — Also (erroneously) termed sequestrate. See (in sense 3) EXCOMMUNICATION. [Cases: Criminal Law 665, 854; Trial 41, 303. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 1195, 1363; Trial §§ 155, 774.]

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