series code

series code. Patents & trademarks. A numerical designation assigned to any of a group of applications for patent or trademark registration filed in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. • The series code is part of an application number and is followed by a slash. For example, if the application number is 09/445,323, then 09 is the series code, and the application is the 445,323d application in that batch. For ordinary patent applications, series codes are assigned for a group of applications filed during a particular period. Nonprovisional patent applications are assigned series codes from 01 to 10, depending on the period during which an application was filed. The series code for design applications is 29, for provisional applications 60, and for reexamination proceedings 90. For trademark applications, the series code usu. begins with numbers from 70 to 75. — Also termed batch number.
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