Seventh Amendmentglossary / Seventh Amendment, 美国宪法第七条修正案 Seventh Amendment〈美〉美国宪法第七条修正案 该条规定,在普通法诉讼中,其争议标的额超过20美元者,由陪审团审判的权利应受到保护。由陪审团裁断的事实,合众国的任何法院除非按照普通法规则,不得重新审查。 词条贡献者 译员Dennis,毕业于英国顶尖的高级翻译学院,专注翻译各种与高管退休金和员工福利有关的法律文件。
Seventh Amendment Seventh Amendment The constitutional amendment, ratified with the Bill of Rights in 1791, guaranteeing the right to a jury trial in federal…
seventh amendment Seventh Amendment Seventh Amendment. The constitutional amendment, ratified with the Bill of Rights in 1791, guaranteeing the right to a jury trial…