statement of factsglossary / statement of facts A party’s written presentation of the facts leading up to or surrounding a legal dispute, usu. recited toward the beginning of a brief. 词条贡献者 双语律师Andrew,欧洲名校国际税法专业,擅长翻译各类与国际税法相关的法律文件。
statement of facts statement of facts statement of facts. A party’s written presentation of the facts leading up to or surrounding a legal dispute, usu. recited…
statement of facts statement of facts, 事实陈述 statement of facts 事实陈述 指原告的起诉状和被告的答辩状〔pleadings〕中关于案件基本事实的陈述,是构成诉答书状的不可或缺的基本要素。