statutory bondglossary / statutory bond, 法定保函 statutory bond法定保函 形式要件和实质要件均必须符合法定要求的保函。 (→bond) 词条贡献者 法律翻译Cathy,在一家英国银圈所担任专职法律翻译,擅长翻译有关城市基础设施领域的法律文件。
statutory bond statutory bond A bond given in accordance with a statute. [Cases: Bonds 31, 50. C.J.S. Bonds §§ 21–23, 28, 32, 34, 39.]
statutory bond statutory bond A bond that literally or substantially meets the requirements of a statute. [Cases: Bonds 31, 50. C.J.S. Bonds §§ 21–23,…