
support, n.

1. Sustenance or maintenance; esp., articles such as food and clothing that allow one to live in the degree of comfort to which one is accustomed. See MAINTENANCE;


“Generally speaking, the words ‘support’ and ‘maintenance’ are used synonymously to refer to food, clothing and other conveniences, and shelter, including, in some cases, medicines, medical care, nursing care, funeral services, education, and reasonable personal care, and the courtesies and kindness usually obtaining between individuals that have the same ties of blood in families of similar station as the contracting parties.” 73 Am. Jur.2d Support of Persons § 1, at 880–81 (2d ed. 1974).

2. One or more monetary payments to a current or former family member for the purpose of helping the recipient maintain an acceptable standard of living.

— Also termed (in both senses) reasonable support. See ALIMONY. Cf. NONSUPPORT; MAINTENANCE(5).

child support. See CHILD SUPPORT.

family support. See FAMILY SUPPORT.

3. Basis or foundation.

4. The bracing of land so that it does not cave in because of another landowner’s actions. — support, vb.

lateral support. Support by the land that lies next to the land under consideration.

— Also termed easement of natural support. [Cases: Adjoining Landowners

2. C.J.S. Adjoining Landowners §§ 9–10, 14.]

subjacent support. Support by the earth that lies underneath the land under consideration.

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