
survey, n.

1. A general consideration of something; appraisal (a survey of the situation).

2. The measuring of a tract of land and its boundaries and contents; a map indicating the results of such measurements (the lender requires a survey of the property before it will issue a loan).

government survey. A survey made by a governmental entity of tracts of land (as of townships and sections and quarter-sections of land).

— Also termed (when conducted by the federal government) congressional survey. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 42; Public Lands 23–28. C.J.S. Public Lands §§ 30–35.]

inclusive survey. A survey that includes within the described boundaries land that is owned or claimed by others and excluded from the survey’s computed area.

topographical survey. A survey that determines a property’s elevation above sea level.

3. A governmental department that carries out such measurements (please obtain the boundaries from survey).

4. A poll or questionnaire, esp. one examining popular opinion (the radio station took a survey of the concert audience).

5. Maritime law. A written assessment of the current condition of a vessel or cargo.

— Also termed (in sense 5) survey of a vessel. [Cases: Shipping 12. C.J.S. Shipping § 12.] — survey, vb.

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