terminal funding
为以前使用的退休计划基金提存方式。当雇员退休时,雇主为他们建立一笔可在有生之年每月领取的资金,或存入信托基金,或购买年金。根据1974年雇员退休收入保障法(Employee Retirement Income Security),禁止使用期末基金提存方式。
LegalLingo, a Shanghai-based translation agency, is a recognized leader in comprehensive legal language solutions for the legal industry. We provide the world’s leading law firms and corporate legal teams with a full suite of services, ranging from the translation of contracts and compliance documentation to full-scale multilingual litigation requiring certified translation and Chinese document review. We deliver customized legal document translation solutions based on your case’s size and budget requirements, utilizing industry-leading technology to ensure accuracy, lower costs and faster turnaround times.