
termination, n.

1. The act of ending something; EXTINGUISHMENT (termination of the partnership by winding up its affairs).

termination of conditional contract. The act of putting an end to all unperformed portions of a conditional contract. [Cases: Contracts 249. C.J.S. Contracts §§ 422, 424, 427–428, 456, 465–466, 484.]

termination of employment. The complete severance of an employer–employee relationship. [Cases: Master and Servant 21, 22. C.J.S. Apprentices § 10; Employer–Employee Relationship §§ 41–42, 45, 55.]

2. The end of something in time or existence; conclusion or discontinuance ( the insurance policy’s termination left the doctor without liability coverage). — terminate, vb. — terminable, adj.

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