theft by extortion

Larceny in which the perpetrator obtains property by threatening to (1) inflict bodily harm on anyone or commit any other criminal offense, (2) accuse anyone of a criminal offense, (3) expose any secret tending to subject any person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule, or impair one’s credit or business reputation, (4) take or withhold action as an official, or cause an official to take or withhold action, (5) bring about or continue a strike, boycott, or other collective unofficial action, if the property is not demanded or received for the benefit of the group in whose interest the actor purports to act, (6) testify or provide information or withhold testimony or information with respect to another’s legal claim or defense, or (7) inflict any other harm that would not benefit the actor. Model Penal Code § 223.4.

— Also termed larceny by extortion. See EXTORTION. [Cases: Extortion and Threats 25.1. C.J.S. Threats and Unlawful Communications §§ 2–20.]

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