
trap, n.

1. A device for capturing living creatures, such as a pitfall, snare, or machine that shuts suddenly.

mantrap. A booby-trap; esp., a device to catch a trespasser or burglar. • A mantrap is not illegal if it is designed merely to sound an alarm and not cause bodily harm. Illegal mantraps include manufactured devices such as spring guns, and dangerous hidden conditions (manufactured or natural) that can injure a person, such as pitfalls. — Also spelled man-trap.

2. Any device or contrivance by which one may be caught unawares; stratagem; snare.

3. Torts. An ultrahazardous hidden peril of which the property owner or occupier, but not a licensee, has knowledge. • A trap can exist even if it was not designed or intended to catch or entrap anything. [Cases: Negligence 1040(3). C.J.S. Negligence §§ 440–451, 487–491, 527, 537–538, 542–554, 560, 562–563, 569–570, 572.]

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