truthglossary / TRUTH, 真实性, 真确性 truthn. 真实性;真确性 它与事实〔fact〕并不相同。 (→true) 词条贡献者 法律翻译Jenny,毕业于一所旨在培养高级翻译专业人才的翻译院校,专注翻译各类与重组与破产有关的法律文件。
truth TRUTH truth. 1. A fully accurate account of events; factuality. 2. Defamation. An affirmative defense by which the defendant asserts that…
truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, TRUTH truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The words used in the common oath administered to a witness…