unde nihil habetglossary / UNDE NIHIL HABET unde nihil habet ([schwa]n-dee nI-hil hay-b[schwa]t). [Law Latin “whereof she has nothing”] Hist. A writ of dower for a widow where no dower had been assigned to her within the time allowed by law. 词条贡献者 双语律师Peter,毕业于法国一流的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译涉及基础建设领域的法律文件。
unde nihil habet UNDE NIHIL HABET, 寡妇地产令 unde nihil habet 〈拉〉(英格兰古法)寡妇地产令 当其应得之寡妇地产在法定期限内未到位时签发给该寡妇的令状。