
vacation, n.

1. The act of vacating (vacation of the office) (vacation of the court’s order).

2. The period between one term of court and the beginning of the next; the space of time during which a court holds no sessions. [Cases: Courts 69. C.J.S. Courts § 122.] • The traditional vacations in England were Christmas vacation, beginning December 24 and ending January 6; Easter vacation, beginning Good Friday and ending Easter Tuesday; Whitsun vacation, beginning on the Saturday before and ending the Tuesday after Whitsunday (i.e., Pentecost, the seventh Sunday after Easter); and the long vacation, beginning August 13 and ending October 23.

3. Loosely, any time when a given court is not in session. [Cases: Courts 69. C.J.S. Courts § 122.]

4. Eccles. law. The act or process by which a church or benefice becomes vacant, as on the death or resignation of the incumbent, until a successor is appointed. — Also termed (in sense 4) vacatura.

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