
valuation, n.

1. The process of determining the value of a thing or entity.

2. The estimated worth of a thing or entity. — value, valuate, vb.

assessed valuation. The value that a taxing authority gives to property and to which the tax rate is applied. [Cases: Taxation 348, 348.

1. C.J.S. Taxation §§ 510–511, 515–516, 518–523.]

special-use valuation. An executor’s option of valuating real property in an estate, esp. farmland, at its current use rather than for its highest potential value. [Cases: Internal Revenue 4183; Taxation 895. C.J.S. Internal Revenue § 519; Taxation §§ 1900–1909, 1918–1931, 1941–1944, 1948.]

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