
venditio (ven-dish-ee-oh). [Latin] Roman & civil law.

1. A sale; VENDITION.

2. A contract of sale. • In this sense, the term is short for emptio et venditio. See EMPTIO.

3. Broadly, any contract by which the ownership of something may be transferred for value. Pl. venditiones.

venditio corporis (ven-dish-ee-oh kor-p[schwa]-ris). A sale of a specific thing.

— Also termed venditio speciei.

venditio generis (ven-dish-ee-oh jen-[schwa]-ris). A sale of goods of a class or general kind.

venditio nominis (ven-dish-ee-oh nom-[schwa]-nis). A sale or conveyance of a debt.

venditio speciei (ven-dish-ee-oh spee-shee-I). See venditio corporis.

专业法律词汇 词条贡献者
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