verdict subject to opinion of courtglossary / verdict subject to opinion of court, 取决于法官意见的裁断 verdict subject to opinion of court取决于法官意见的裁断 指由陪审团作出的裁断,但它要取决于法官对在审判过程中所保留的法律问题所作的决定,因此,法官据此裁断作出的判决亦完全取决于其对法律点〔point of law〕所作的裁决。 词条贡献者 法律翻译Vivian,毕业于美国顶尖的翻译学院,专注翻译各类与水利资源有关的法律文件。
verdict subject to opinion of court verdict subject to opinion of court A verdict that is subject to the court’s determination of a legal issue reserved to the court upon the trial,…