
verification, n.

1. A formal declaration made in the presence of an authorized officer, such as a notary public, or (in some jurisdictions) under oath but not in the presence of such an officer, whereby one swears to the truth of the statements in the document. • Traditionally, a verification is used as a conclusion for all pleadings that are required to be sworn. Cf. ACKNOWLEDGMENT(4). — Also termed affidavit of verification. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 662; Pleading 289–304. C.J.S. Pleading §§ 255, 486–518.]

2. An oath or affirmation that an authorized officer administers to an affiant or deponent.

3. Loosely, ACKNOWLEDGMENT (5).

4. See certified copy under COPY.


6. Any act of notarizing. Cf. JURAT(1). — verify, vb. — verifier, n.

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