
wage, n. (usu. pl.) Payment for labor or services, usu. based on time worked or quantity produced; specif., com-pensation of an employee based on time worked or output of production. • Wages include every form of remu-neration payable for a given period to an individual for personal services, including salaries, commissions, vaca-tion pay, bonuses, and the reasonable value of board, lodging, payments in kind, tips, and any similar advantage received from the employer. An employer usu. must withhold income taxes from wages. Cf. SALARY.

covered wages. Wages on which a person is required to pay social-security taxes. [Cases: Internal Revenue 4374. C.J.S. Social Security and Public Welfare §§ 192, 194.]

current wages. Wages for the current period; wages that are not past due.

front wages. Prospective compensation paid to a victim of job discrimination until the denied position becomes available. [Cases: Civil Rights 1471, 1571, 1583(2). C.J.S. Civil Rights §§ 150, 172–173.]

minimum wage. The lowest permissible hourly rate of compensation for labor, as established by federal statute and required of employers engaged in interstate commerce. 29 USCA § 206. [Cases: Labor Relations 1268. C.J.S. Labor Relations §§ 1141–1142.]

noncovered wages. Wages on which a person is not required to pay social-security taxes. [Cases: Internal Revenue 4374. C.J.S. Social Security and Public Welfare §§ 192, 194.]

real wages. Wages representing the true purchasing power of the dollar, derived by dividing a price index into money wages.

wage, vb.

1. To engage in (a war, etc.).

2. Archaic. To give security for (a performance, etc.). Cf. GAGE.

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