

1. A person, usu. a minor, who is under a guardian’s charge or protection. See GUARDIAN(1). [Cases: Guardian and Ward 1,

9. 5.]

permanent ward. A ward who has been assigned a permanent guardian, the rights of the natural parents having been terminated by a juvenile court. [Cases: Guardian and Ward 9.5; Infants 155.]

temporary ward. A minor who is under the supervision of a juvenile court but whose parents’ parental rights have not been terminated. [Cases: Infants 154. 1.]

ward-in-chancery. Hist. An infant under the superintendence of the chancellor.

ward of admiralty. A seaman — so called because of the legal view that a seaman, in contractual matters, should be treated as a beneficiary and the other contracting party as a fiduciary because of the perceived inequitability of their bargaining positions. [Cases: Seamen

1. C.J.S. Seamen §§ 6, 216–219.]

ward of the state. A person who is housed by, and receives protection and necessities from, the government.

— Also termed state’s ward.

2. A territorial division in a city, usu. defined for purposes of city government. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 40.]

3. The act of guarding or protecting something or someone.

4. Archaic. One who guards.

5. CASTLE-GUARDD. — Formerly also termed warda.

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