waybillglossary / waybill, 货运单, 运单 waybilln. 货运单;运单 承运人在承运货物时向发货人出具的书面货运单据,其中列明货物启运地、目的地、托运人、收货人以及对货物状况的描述及运输费。此单据既作为收货凭证,又作为货物运输合同的证明。 词条贡献者 译者Henry,毕业于世界顶级翻译学院,擅长翻译各种与企业管治相关的法律文件。
waybill waybill Maritime law. A document acknowledging the receipt of goods by a carrier or by the shipper’s agent and the contract…
waybill waybill waybill. Maritime law. A document acknowledging the receipt of goods by a carrier or by the shipper’s agent and the…