ways and means (committee)glossary / ways-and-means committee, 筹款委员会 ways and means (committee)〈美〉筹款委员会 国会中主要负责审查、审议筹措国家财政收入的方式、来源以及提议向政府提供其所需资金的方法的委员会。它是众议院的一个常设委员会,还负责监督有关财政事务的立法。 词条贡献者 译者Jenny,毕业于英国顶尖的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译各种与ERISA 诉讼相关的法律文件。
ways and means committee ways-and-means committee ways-and-means committee. A legislative committee that determines how money will be raised for various governmental purposes. [Cases: United States 23.…
ways and means committee ways-and-means committee A legislative committee that determines how money will be raised for various governmental purposes. [Cases: United States 23. C.J.S. United…