wolf’s headglossary / wolf's head, 狼头 wolf’s head(古)狼头 英格兰法中以此词指逃犯,若被抓获时还活着,将被带到国王面前;若逃犯抵抗而被杀死,他的头将被带到国王面前。 词条贡献者 法律翻译舒婷,知名法学院保险学专业,专注翻译各类与保险与再保险诉讼有关的法律文件。
wolf’s head wolf's head wolf’s head. Hist. An outlaw, who was often referred to as carrying a wolf’s head (caput lupinum) and to be…
wolf’s head wolf's head Hist. An outlaw, who was often referred to as carrying a wolf’s head (caput lupinum) and to be no more…