Search Results for: member bank

member bank

member bank 〈美〉会员银行;成员银行 成为联邦储备系统会员的商业银行。所有国民银行都自动成为该系统会员,州立银行的加入需经批准。会员银行必须按其客户存款的一定比例持有准备金,准备金可以是自有资金或是在联储的存款。

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world bank

World Bank. A U.N. specialized agency established in 1945 to provide loans that aid in economic development, through economically sustainable enterprises. • Its capital derives from both U.N. member states and loans on the open market. — Also termed International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. [Cases: International Law 10.45(2).]

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reserve banks

reserve banks 〈美〉储备银行 联邦储备系统的成员银行,在联邦储备委员会监督下,接受政府存款,代理财政,在联邦储备系统中维持法定准备金,对产生于实际交易的票据进行贴现,对其成员行进行短期资金融通,以及从事公开市场业务等。(→member bank)

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state bank

A bank chartered by a state and supervised by the state banking department. • For a state bank to have FDIC insurance on deposits, it must become a member of the Federal Reserve System. [Cases: Banks and Banking 2–6. C.J.S. Banks and Banking §§ 2–5, 7–9, 15–18.]

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federal home loan bank

Federal Home Loan Bank. One of 12 federally chartered banks created in 1932 to extend secured loans (advances) to savings institutions that are members of the system and to community financial institutions that finance small businesses, small farms, and small agribusinesses. • The banks are supervised by the Federal Housing Finance Board. — Abbr. FHLB.

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