Search Results for: qualified indorsement

qualified indorsement

An indorsement that passes title to the instrument but limits the indorser’s liability to later holders if the instrument is later dishonored. • Typically, a qualified indorsement is made by writing “without recourse” or “sans recourse” over the signature. — Also termed indorsement without recourse. UCC § 3-415(b). See WITHOUT RECOURSE. [Cases: Bills and Notes […]

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qualified indorsement

qualified indorsement 无担保背书;限制性背书 又称无追索权背书〔indorsement without recourse〕,指通过背书转让对票据的权利,但限制被背书人及全体后手在日后票据被拒绝承兑时向背书人进行追索的权利,即背书人将自己的担保责任通过记载无担保文句而全部予以排除。典型的无担保背书是在票据背书时记明「无追索权」〔without recourse; sans recourse〕。 (→conditional indorsement)

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