
leave, n.

1. Departure; the act of going away (took his leave).

2. Extended absence for which one has authorization; esp., a voluntary vacation from military duties with the chance to visit home; furlough (on a three-month leave from the Army).

3. Permission (by leave of court).

leave, vb.

1. To give by will; to bequeath or devise (she left her ranch to her stepson). • This usage has historically been considered loose by the courts, and it is not always given testamentary effect.

2. To be survived by (he left no brothers or sisters).

3. To depart; voluntarily go away; quit (a place).

4. To depart willfully with the intent not to return (Nelson left Texas and became a resident of Massachusetts).

5. To deliver (a summons, money, an article, etc.) by dropping off at a certain place, esp. to await the return of someone; esp., to post (a copy of a writ, etc.).

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