
natural, adj.

1. In accord with the regular course of things in the universe and without accidental or purposeful interference (a natural death as opposed to murder).

2. Normal; proceeding from the regular character of a person or thing (it is natural for a duck to fly south in the winter).

3. Brought about by nature as opposed to artificial means (a natural lake).

4. Inherent; not acquired or assumed (natural talent).

5. Indigenous; native (the original or natural inhabitants of a country).

6. Of or relating to birth (natural child as distinguished from adopted child). [Cases: Children Out-of-Wedlock

1. C.J.S. Children Out-of-Wedlock §§ 2–11.]

7. Untouched by civilization; wild (only a small part of the forest remains in its natural state). — naturally, adv.

natural, n.

1. A person who is native to a place. See NATIVE; NATURAL-BORN CITIZEN .

2. A person or thing well suited for a particular endeavor.

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