
natural a. (1)自然的;非人为的 (2)正常的;合乎常情的 (3)自然状态的 (4)固有的;天赋的;生就的 (5)当地的;本地的;本土的 (6)有血统关系的;生身的 (7)野生的;蒙昧的;原始状态的 n. (8)本地人;土生土长者;本国人 (9)生就具有特定才能的人;天生的料子

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natural, adj. 1. In accord with the regular course of things in the universe and without accidental or purposeful interference (a natural death as opposed to murder). 2. Normal; proceeding from the regular character of a person or thing (it is natural for a duck to fly south in the winter). 3. Brought about by

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