
regime (r[schwa]-zheemor ray-zheem).

1. A system of rules, regulations, or government (the community-property regime).

2. A particular administration or government, esp. an authoritarian one. — Also spelled régime.

international regime. A set of norms of behavior and rules and policies that cover international issues and that facilitate substantive or procedural arrangements among countries.

legal regime. A set of rules, policies, and norms of behavior that cover any legal issue and that facilitate substantive or procedural arrangements for deciding that issue.

régime dotal (ray-zheem doh-tahl). Hist. Civil law. The right and power of a husband to administer his wife’s dotal property, the property being returned to the wife when the marriage is dissolved by death or divorce. See dotal property under PROPERTY.

régime en communauté (ray-zheem on koh-moo-noh-tayor kom-yoo-). Hist. Civil law. The community of property between husband and wife arising automatically upon their marriage, unless excluded by marriage contract.

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