
judex (joo-deks), n. [Latin]

1. Roman law. A private person appointed by a praetor or other magistrate to hear and decide a case. • The Roman judex was originally drawn from a panel of qualified persons of standing but was later himself a magistrate.

2. Roman & civil law. A judge.

3. Hist. A juror. — Also spelled iudex. Pl. judices (joo-di-seez).

judex ad quem (ad kwem).Civil law. A judge to whom an appeal is taken.

judex a quo (ay kwoh).Civil law. A judge from whom an appeal is taken.

judex datus (day-t[schwa]s).Roman law. A judex assigned by a magistrate or provincial governor to try a case under cognitio extraordinaria. See COGNITIO EXTRAORDINARIA.

judex delegatus (del-[schwa]-gay-t[schwa]s).Roman & civil law. A delegated judge under cognitio extraordinaria; a special judge. See COGNITIO EXTRAORDINARIA.

judex fiscalis (fis-kay-lis).Roman law. A judex having jurisdiction of matters relating to the fiscus. See FISCUS(1).

judex ordinarius (or-d[schwa]-nair-ee-[schwa]s).Civil law. A judge having jurisdiction in his own right rather than by delegated authority. • The judge was typically a provincial governor.

judex pedaneus (p[schwa]-day-nee-[schwa]s).Roman law. A judex to whom petty cases are delegated; an inferior or deputy judge under cognitio extraordinaria.

— Also termed judex specialis.

judex quaestionis (kwes-chee-oh-nis or kwes-tee-).Roman law. The chairman of the jury in a criminal case, either a praetor or a magistrate of lower rank.

judex selectus (s[schwa]-lek-t[schwa]s).Civil law. A judge selected to hear the facts in a criminal case.

judex specialis (spesh-ee-ay-lis).Roman law. See judex pedaneus.

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