against the form of the statuteglossary / AGAINST THE FORM OF THE STATUTE, 违反了制定法的规定 against the form of the statute违反了制定法的规定 传统上在大陪审团起诉书〔indictment〕中作结论时必须使用的正式用语,表示所指控的行为违反了所援引的制定法的规定因而构成犯罪。其拉丁语形式为「contra forman statuti」。 词条贡献者 译员海燕,毕业于法国顶尖的高级翻译学院,专注翻译各种与破产对抗诉讼有关的法律文件。
against the form of the statute AGAINST THE FORM OF THE STATUTE against the form of the statute. Contrary to the statutory requirements. • This formal phrase, which traditionally concludes an indictment,…
contra formam statuti CONTRA FORMAM STATUTI, 违反了制定法的规定 contra formam statuti 〈拉〉违反了制定法的规定 原在普通法上,在对制定法所规定的某种犯罪提出指控的大陪审团起诉书〔indictment〕中必须使用的总结性语句,说明所指控的行为违反了所援引的制定法的规定,因而构成犯罪。现在在刑事起诉书中所使用的其全文通常是「against the form of the statute in such case made and provided」。 (→against the form of…