
allodial ([schwa]-loh-dee-[schwa]l), adj. Held in absolute ownership; pertaining to an allodium. Cf. FEUDAL. — Also spelled alodial. — allodially, adv.

“The term ‘alodial’ originally had no necessary reference to the mode in which the ownership of land had been conferred; it simply meant land held in absolute ownership, not in dependence upon any other body or person in whom the proprietary rights were supposed to reside, or to whom the possessor of land was bound to render service. It would thus properly apply to the land which in the original settlement had been allotted to individuals, while bookland was primarily applicable to land the title to which rested on a formal grant. Before long, however, the words appear to have been used synonymously to express land held in absolute ownership, the subject of free disposition inter vivos or by will.” Kenelm E. Digby, An Introduction to the History of the Law of Real Property 11–12 (5th ed. 1897).

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