
article, n.

1. Generally, a particular item or thing (article of clothing).

proprietary article. (often pl.) A product manufactured under an exclusive right to sell it.

2. A separate and distinct part (as a clause or stipulation) of a writing, esp. in a contract, statute, or constitution (Article III).

3. (pl.) An instrument containing a set of rules or stipulations (articles of war) ( articles of incor-poration).

4. A nonfictional literary composition forming an independent part of a publication, such as a law review or journal (a well-researched article).

5. Patents. A workpiece, product, or thing that is operated on, modified, or changed by a machine or process.

6. Patents. An article of manufacture. See MANUFACTURE.

7. Eccles. law. In an ecclesiastical court, one of a plaintiff’s complaints or charges against the defendant. • The complaint or charge may be presented by oral declaration or by a written document.

article, vb.

1. To bring charges against by an exhibition of articles.

2. To be an articled clerk.

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