
burden, n.

1. A duty or responsibility (the seller’s burden to insure the shipped goods).

2. Something that hinders or oppresses (a burden on interstate commerce).

3. A restriction on the use or value of land; an encumbrance (the easement created a burden on the estate).

4. Scots law. An encumbrance, restriction, or obligation imposed on a person or on property ( the burden of curatorship) (a servitude is a burden on land). • When the burden is on real property, it is called a real burden. — burden, vb. — burdensome, adj.

undue burden. A substantial and unjust obstacle to the performance of a duty or enjoyment of a right. • For example, excessive discovery requests place an undue burden on the person who must produce the data requested. And a state law requiring a particular kind of mud flap on trucks may place an undue burden on the flow of interstate commerce.

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