

n. (1)法律;法规;规则;准则 (2)纪律;戒律 (3)判断标准 (4)成套的准则、规则、规范或标准等 (5)教会法;教规 特别是由教皇或宗教会议制定的,包含在教会法令的官方汇编中的行为规则。 (6)〈英〉英格兰国教教规 由该国教会神职人员代表大会颁布的教会法令,无论其是否有法律效力。 (7)〈英〉法政牧师 主教座堂的教会官员,指导举行宗教仪式,由国王或主教任命。教会法规定每个主教座堂至少必须有两个驻堂法政牧师专门从事教堂礼拜仪式。

专业法律词汇 词条贡献者
LegalLingo, a Shanghai-based translation agency, is a recognized leader in comprehensive legal language solutions for the legal industry. We provide the world’s leading law firms and corporate legal teams with a full suite of services, ranging from the translation of contracts and compliance documentation to full-scale multilingual litigation requiring certified translation and Chinese document review. We deliver customized legal document translation solutions based on your case’s size and budget requirements, utilizing industry-leading technology to ensure accuracy, lower costs and faster turnaround times.
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