

1. An agreement or compact, esp. one among nations; a multilateral treaty (the Geneva Convention). See TREATY. [Cases: Treaties

1. C.J.S. Treaties § 2.]

2. A special deliberative assembly elected for the purpose of framing, revising, or amending a constitution. See CONSTITUTION (1). — Also termed constitutional convention. [Cases: Constitutional Law 8, 10. C.J.S. Constitutional Law §§ 5, 8–9.]

3. An assembly or meeting of members belonging to an organization or having a common objective (an ABA convention). — Also termed conference.

4. Parliamentary law. A deliberative assembly that consists of delegates elected or appointed from subordinate or constituent organizations within a state or national organization, or elected directly from the organization’s membership or from defined geographic or other constituencies into which the membership is grouped, and that usu. exercises the organization’s highest policymaking authority (a national political conven-tion). — Also termed assembly; congress; convocation; delegate assembly; general assembly. See HOUSE OF DELEGATES .

5. Parliamentary law. A session of a convention (sense 4), consisting of a series of consecutive meetings separated by short recesses or adjournments, often during a convention (sense 3) that includes educa-tional and social programs for the benefit of other members in addition to the delegates.

6. A generally accepted rule or practice; usage or custom (the court dispensed with the convention of having counsel approach the bench).

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