规定,约定 英语:stipulation 法语:accord, stipulation 德语:vertragliche Bestimmung, Klausel, Parteiübereinkunft 意大利语:accordo, stipulazione 西班牙语:cláusula, estipulación
规定,约定 英语:stipulation 法语:accord, stipulation 德语:vertragliche Bestimmung, Klausel, Parteiübereinkunft 意大利语:accordo, stipulazione 西班牙语:cláusula, estipulación
协议 英语:agreement 法语:contrat, convention, accord, acte 德语:Vertrag, Vereinbarung, Einigung 意大利语:accordo, contratto, patto 西班牙语:convenio, acuerdo, contrato
accord, n. 1. An amicable arrangement between parties, esp. between peoples or nations; COMPACT; TREATY. 2. An offer to give or to accept a stipulated performance in the future to satisfy an obligor’s existing duty, together with an acceptance of that offer. • The performance becomes what is known as a satisfaction. — Also termed