custody of the lawglossary / CUSTODY OF THE LAW custody of the law. The condition of property or a person being under the control of legal authority (as a court or law officer). See IN CUSTODIA LEGIS. 词条贡献者 译者Terris,毕业于国内一流的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译各种与政府合同相关的法律文件。
custody of the law CUSTODY OF THE LAW, 法律的保管 custody of the law 〈美〉法律的保管 若一财产通过司法程序的授权被合法取得,并由经依法授权的政府官员(例如县治安长官〔sheriff〕)或法院官员(例如财产保全管理人〔receiver〕)占有,则该财产被认为是处于法律的保管之下。 (→custodia legis)